Lakshmi Ramakrishnan has roped in Aishwarya Rajesh and Ashok Selvan for her next directorial named “House Owner”. The critically acclaimed director says “House Owner” is a feel good family drama. Speaking on this, Lakshmi Ramakrishnan says, “I initially wanted to direct a movie on Chennai floods. Meanwhile, my daughter got engaged and I decided to do the movie after the wedding . While in Mumbai recently, i happened to watch a Hindi movie which impressed me very much. I approached the makers to buy the remake rights which didn’t happen. Nevertheless, the inspiration from the film left me writing another fresh script. It is about the challenges faced a young and beautiful couple when they decide to buy their dream home, told in a lighter vien. I am excited about Aishwarya Rajesh and Ashok Selvan playing the leads. More so as , Jomon T John; has shown interest to do the cinematography. We will start rolling, once everything else is finalized “