ZEE5, India’s fastest growing OTT platform after the success of its recent Tamilshows such as Thiravam and Auto Shankar, launched Fingertip, its latest offering for its growing Tamil audience. Directed by Shivakar and Produced by Vishnu Vardhan Films, the 5-episode show is a social media thriller which features Akshara Haasan, Ashwin Kakumanu, Gayathri, Sunaina and Madhusudhan Rao in lead roles. Fingertip premieres 21st August exclusively on ZEE5.
Fingertip portrays how a single swipe or post on social media, can change the lives of its users & push people out of their comfort zones, thereby burdening them with huge social pressure. Each episode features a fictionalmobile app having relatable features to apps in the real worldand showcases various negative human emotions such as greed, rage among others.
Akshara Haasan, said, “I’m glad to be associating with ZEE5, who has been producing such great original Tamil content for a while now. In today’s age, where social media is a very essential part of our daily life, there is a growing need to create awareness to the ill effects of social media as well. I hope the audience enjoysmy characteras much as I did.”
Director, Shivakar said, “There is growing appetite for original and fresh content in the Tamil space and I’m happy to be collaborating with the pioneers in this regard, ZEE5. Fingertip will be a gripping and fast paced thriller that will keep the audiencesintrigued and entertained throughout.”
Aparna Acharekar, Programming Head, ZEE5 India said, “All of us use social media to connect at some point of our day and it has its countless advantages. However, given its reach & scale, it has many downsides as well. Fingertipis one such story which needs to be told and its gripping story line is sure to get our viewers hooked. We have received phenomenal responses for our previous Tamil Originals and we hope to further strengthen our regional offerings with this series.”
For ZEE5 media queries, please contact:
Rohan Vora | +91 9820432753 | Roha.vora@pprww.com
Akanksha Jani | +91 9808340662 | akanksha.jani@pprww.com
Ronil Purani | +91 9820962395 | Ronil.purani@pprww.com
About ZEE5
ZEE5 is the digital entertainment destination launched by Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited (ZEEL), a global Media and Entertainment powerhouse. With content across 12 languages like English, Hindi, Bengali, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Marathi, Oriya, Bhojpuri, Gujarati & Punjabi, ZEE5 is home to 1 lakh hours of On Demand Content and 80+ live TV channels. The platform brings together the best of Originals, Indian and International Movies and TV Shows, Music, Kids content, Cineplays, Live TV and Health and Lifestyle content all in one single destination. ZEE5 offers ground breaking features like 11 navigational languages, content download option, seamless video playback and Voice Search.
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Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd. (ZEEL) is a worldwide media brand offering entertainment content to diverse audiences. With a presence in over 173 countries and a reach of more than 1.3 billion people around the globe, ZEEL is among the largest global content companies across genres, languages, and platforms.
With its new brand ideology and purpose – “Extraordinary Together”, ZEEL aspires to provide a unified brand experience and to delight consumers across the world by creating extraordinary entertainment and experiences that inspire to transcend the ordinary and become extraordinary.
ZEEL is present across broadcasting, movies, music, digital, live entertainment and theatre businesses, both within India and overseas. ZEEL has more than 260,000 hours of television content and houses the world’s largest Hindi film library with rights to more than 4,800 movie titles across various languages. ZEEL has also produced several movies for theatrical release and is the fastest growing music label in India. It has presence in the digital space with ZEE5 and has also ventured into live events.
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