In her maiden film “Cuckoo” Malvika Nair the heroine of the film has captured the entire Tamil audience by her realistic performance. After a gap, the pretty actress Malvika Nair who is on the top of the priority list in Telugu, is back into the Tamil Film industry through ‘Arasiyala Idhellam Saadharanamappa’. Produced by one of the most successful distributor Mahesh Govindaraaj of ‘Auraa Cinemas’, this out-and-out comedy flick ‘Arasiyala Idhellam Saadharanamappa’ aka ‘AIS’ is directed by debutante Avinash Hariharan, who is well known for his short films and commercials. While Veera of Rajathandhiram fame plays the male lead, the songs and BGMs are composed by Madley Blues.
“Our script needed a performance oriented artist who could do justice for her role, and the first name sparked in our minds is Malvika Nair. As soon as she heard the script, she nodded an immediate yes to be a part of AIS, and I am quite sure that her character will be totally contrasting from the role she has played in cuckoo. Our shooting started on 27.03.2017 at Pondicherry and Malvika will be here for four days, and again she will be joining with our team in the month of April” reveals Director Avinash Hariharan.