Sivakarthikeyan Productions’ Kanaa has considerably swept us off the feet for its unique theme based on Indian Women Cricket Team, which has never been in celluloid anytime before. Filmmaker Arunraja Kamaraj has scrupulously crafted the tale, which encompasses the dreams and struggles of a woman to embrace success. In addition, a much more prominence is emphasized upon how a father stands out to be her backbone in fulfilling her dreams. Now that the film’s trailer launched by Indian Cricketer Ravichandran Ashwin has scaled an incredulous of 3 Million views in 37hours.
“We as a team are awestricken over the reach of trailer, which surmounted our expectations. Thanks to Shri Ravichandran Ashwin for his kind gesture of unveiling the trailer. connected to says Arunraja Kamaraj.
He continues to add saying, “The way women striving with will power, dedication, perseverance and hard work has always been our core of inspiration. Especially, to see them break the barriers and take over a domain of cricket in our Country. This is something that isn’t just inclined to my thoughts and beliefs, but the entire country is witnessing it even in the recent games at ICC T 20 World Cup.”
While giving his insight about the depth of emotions in the film, he says, “More than merely projecting this to be dreams and accomplishments of women, I wanted this to be a much realistic one of the ones standing beside in letting their dream become reality. The bonding between father and daughter in Kanaa will have the entire film emotionally ornamented. With Sathyaraj sir breathing a soulful life into his character as the father of Aishwarya Rajesh, the entire film had its enlivenment unconditionally. I am sure, the episodes involving Sathyaraj-Aishwarya Rajesh will be reflected by man in real life and would inspire as well.”
Kanaa has already hit its musical boundaries and sixes with a huge reception. With the film scheduled for release in December, the official announcement of date will be made sooner.