Music director Dharan, who has carved a niche for himself in Tamil cinema industry with movies like ‘Paarijaatham’, ‘Poda podi’, ‘Naaigal jaakiradhai’,’Aaha Kalyanam’ in his kitty has done 25 movies so far in his career.Now the young music director is all set to enter the wedlock with model/actor/fashion designer Dheekshita on September 15th. The wedding reception will take place in Chennai on September 16th.
“It’s been 11 years I entered cinema industry. I have completed 25 movies so far. Only very recently I finished my work for my 25th film, ‘Pista’. My family has been a pillar of strength for me always. The press and the media have always written good things about my music and songs and encouraged me immensly” said a emotional Dharan
“I am a model/actress from the year 2012. I have acted in movies like ‘Nagarvalam’, ‘Agam’. I am a costume and fashion designer for fashion shows and movies now. I am very happy to enter the wedlocks and looking forward to this exciting phase of my life ” said Dheekshita.