BALLOON, starring Jai, Anjali and Janani iyer has been grabbing all the eye balls right from the time it’s unique posters were released. This venture is produced by ’70mm and farmers master plan productions, directed by debutant Sinish and the music is done by Yuvan Shankar Raja, ‘Balloon”s teaser was also an instant hit for its very interesting content and visuals. Auraa cinemas which has bought the theatrical rights of the movie have now announced that ‘Balloon’ will be released world wide on September 27th .
Speaking about this, ‘Auraa cinemas’ Mahesh Govindarajan says , ” We are so very confident about the movie. ‘Balloon’ will be a total joy and a wonderful experience for the audience. We have fixed September 27th as the release date for ‘Balloon’ since it’s a long, festival week end. Time and again the audience have proved that films of good content will be accorded a great welcome in the commercial arena. We bank hopes on the content and the audience. We are confident of ‘Balloon’ working well and our hopes are flying high “.