Server sundaram starring Santhanam is turning out to be the biggest of the actor’s carrer. “Server Sundaram” Directed by Anand Balki and produced by J Selvakumar of Kenanya films “will have a simultaneous release in telugu and Tamil. The Trailer which had crossed 1 million views in a very short spam of time was appreciated by one and all for the stunning visuals, grandeur in making , and the mighty screen presence of Santhanam.
“We are applying for the censor and we are very confident of a late June release which co incides with Eid festival. The festive atmosphere suits the genre of the film and the audience will be served a sumptous treat. We will have a simultaneous release in Tamil and Telugu. This is the sign on the stature of Santhanam as a saleable star cutting across the linguistic borders” declared the director.