Actor Kishore celeberates cinema. The actor ever hungry for meaty roles that are derived from healthy content choose Kalki an upcoming independent and experimental film that is produced by Pramod Films. The film has Kishore and yasmin in the lead. The film’s title remains unique not just in name but also in its meaning, destroyer of filth. The movie poster has interesting visual of kishore trying to portrait a workaholic while yasmin is spotted with an enchanting smile. Much expected film in the media circle the film.will be screened for selective viewers this week .The thriller film has been directed by debuter Dhilip, the screenplay and the dialogues were penned by Baradwaj rangan, the cinematography was handled by Vijay Karthick kanan while editing and music is handled by sreekar prasad and girish respectively. While talking to the producer shruthi said” The film will reflect the class we were determined to present. We are very confident of holding out flag high when it comes to the matter of competition in the international film festivals with Kalki.Rembon’s extraordinary art and design deserves a special mention. All thanks to the amazing crew who toiled together day and night for the film.”