The celebrity premiere show of the most anticipated flick ‘8 THOTTAKKAL’ has been screened recently, and the entire Tamil Film Industry appreciated the film for its strong content and the making pattern. Produced by M. Vellapandiyan under the banner ‘Vetrivel Saravana cinemas’ jointly with I B karthikeyan of ‘BIGPRINT Pictures’, the new-age -cop thriller ‘8 Thottakkal’ is directed by debutante Sri Ganesh, former assistant of Director Mysskin. The sharp-edged ‘8Thottakkal’ that has debutante Vetri – Aparna Balamurali – MS Baskar – Nasser in the lead will be released on April 7th by Sakthivel under the banner ‘Sakthivel Film Factory’.
“8 Bullets is completely filled with human emotions and I am very sure that MS Baskar sir’s career best performance can be witnessed in this film. 8 Thottakkal also teaches us about how to treat our parents in their old age, and it has to be watched along with the whole family” says Director Karthik Narean of Dhuruvangal 16 fame.
“Director Sri Ganesh has done a phenomenal job in 8 Thottakkal. I was really carried away by the performance of the entire cast. Cinematography and Music adds life to the story. 8 Thottakkal won’t disappoint you but it will surely surprise you” says Filmmaker Venkat Prabhu in a positive tone.
“8 Thottakkal is an impressive movie and it has to be watched from the beginning. I am sure that 8 Thottakkal will be an inspirational film for Tamil Film Industry” conveys Director Sasi enthusiastically.
“8 Thottakkal is one of the best movies I have ever watched in my life time. It has been built with 100% efforts, talent and concentration of Director Sri Ganesh. 8 Thottakkal will be an iconic film in Tamil Film Industry” says ‘AMMA CREATIONS’ T Siva confidently.