The hype level for Arulnithi – Mahima Nambiar starrer ‘IRAVUKKU AAYIRAM KANGAL’ aka ‘IAK’ is increasing day by day because of the addition of strong cast and crew. After roping in Mahima Nambiar and Music Director Vishal Chandrasekar, the team IRAVUKKU AAIYRAM KANGAL has now added Actors Ajmal and Anandharaj in their cast list. The shooting of this one night crime story – Iravukku Aayiram Kangal, directed by debutante Mu Maran and produced by G Dillibabu of ‘Axess Film Factory’ will be commencing from March 31st.
“The character of Anandaraj sir will act as one of the powerful shades for our IAK. The body language and dialogues of his character will definitely put the entire Audience in laughter. We are quite confident that this unique AAA combo – Arulnithi sir, Ajmal and Anandaraj sir will be definitely loved by all sets of Audience” says Director Mu Maran with great confidence.