Halwa Time is a prank show on Flixdaa featuring Kollywood stars, shot and made over a decade ago. All the stars featuring in the show were budding artistes and now they have become the top few celebrities in India. As the pranks get revealed, the pranked star is fed Halwa by the whole team.
In this episode of Halwa Time, Music Director Yuvan Shankar Raja together with Prem Gi and Cinematographer Aravind Krishna, pranks the famous “Genius” Director Selvaraghavan. This prank is set in the music recording studio of Yuvan Shankar Raja as all three of them as a team makes Selvaraghavan angry and pranks him.
Prank shows have been existing for a long time and in the recent years there has been a sudden wave of Tamil prank shows in YouTube and other platforms. But most of the prank shows are not real authentic ones and the ones being pranked are the common public. But in Halwa Time, all the people getting pranked and the ones who are pranking are celebrities.
Have you seen celebrities get angry on camera? What will Selvaraghavan do when he gets angry? Does he really buy what Yuvan and his friends say? To find out and for more surprises, watch Halwa Time – Yuvan, Selvaraghavan, Venkat Prabhu & PremGi Prank at www.flixdaa.com or download the Flixdaa app on your phone, Android TV or Fire TV for FREE. Sign up is also FREE! #Flixdaa is FREEdaa!
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