While taking immense pride in declaring our pride in associating with the PVR groups we here with share the latest information on their new screens at VR mall in Anna nagar.The PVR group declared open their prestigious Ten screens at V R Mall in Anna nagar. The mall which has some amazing interior decorations that can be matched with the best in the world assures a world class film watching experience. 12th October three screens were open to the public.
Audi chair details
1) Audi No-01(pxl)- 444No.
2) Audi No-02- 177No.
3) Audi No-03- 366No.
4) Audi No-04- 388No.
5) Audi No-05- 450No.
6) Audi No-06- 190No.
7) Audi No-07- 126No.
8) Audi No-08- 115No.
9) Audi No-09- 136No.
10)Audi No-10- 202No.
Total chair- 2594Nos.