CURTAIN RAISER – Set during the period of Ice Age, this is an historical adventure film presented as a gripping drama that focuses on the unusual relationship between a human & an animal under extraordinary circumstances. The duo strike a special friendship & bonding as they both are forced to face several odds in their struggle for survival at the backdrop of dangerous circumstances!
SYNOPSIS – Set in Europe some 20, 000 years ago, during the Upper Paleolithic period, ‘bison-hunting’ expedition by a bunch of tribal men turns problematic and a young hunter who is on his hunting journey for the 1st time gets injured and is considered dead by the others belonging to that tribal group! He is broken both physically & mentally as he struggles to find his way home, all the while developing a friendship with a wolf abandoned by a pack of other wolves!
Left with no other alternative, he learns to survive and navigate the harsh and unforgiving wilderness while reluctantly taming that abandoned lone wolf! In the process, they mutually get to rely on each other becoming unlikely allies, enduring countless dangers and overwhelming odds to find their way home before the deadly winter arrives!
The theme of this heart-touching film suggests the bonding of a man and an animal, possibly for the first time in that era!
The film with a running time of 96 minutes was shot in Ice Land, Vancouver, Drumheller & at Dinosaur Provincial Park near Patricia Alberta.
Cast- Kodi Smit-McPhee, Leonor Varela, Jens Hultén & Jóhannes Haukur Jóhannesson
Written, co-produced & directed by – Albert Hughes
Music- Joseph S. DeBeasi
Cinematography- Martin Gschlacht
Edited by- Sandra Granovsky