1. Indo-Russian Cinemas Film Union will be an Autonomous body for Independent Artists and Film Technicians across South India.
2. The Union will serve as a platform for connecting Independent Artist and Film Technicians with the people by projecting their art works across the globe.
3. The Union will have 3 Wings which will function as per their role respectively.
4. The Executive Committee will act as the major wing where members will be involved in taking decisions and working out strategies through regular monthly meetings.
5. The Organizing committee will be involved in organizing monthly screenings and scheduling them accordingly.
6. There will be a special committee called the Selection Committee which will select films that are to be released and also will work in selecting and recruiting members for respective wings.
7. The Film Union will register Members, Film Titles (Short, Documentary and Feature), and also be issuing Clearance Certificates for the purpose of Censoring the Film for which fees will be decided upon decision of the committees.
8. The Registered Members of this Film Union will act responsible and will function as per the decisions of the respective committees.
9. The Film Union is formed to unite Independent Artists and Technicians across our state for which there has not been a Union employed so far.
10. The Film Union is a Direct Subordinate body of Indo-Russian Cinemas which works for highlighting film talents and functions with the guidance and support of Rosstrudnichestvo (Russia) through its representative office at Russian Culture Centre, Chennai.
11. The Film Union will take Decisions upon the approval of the Founder of Indo-Russian Cinemas and the Director of Russian Culture Centre, Chennai.
12. We are beginning the Union with Initial Members of 70 whose names and other details are attached with the Agenda.
Become a Member: http://indorussiancinemas.com/signup-members/