Five filmmakers from Tamil Nadu are the shortlisted finalists in the Moviebuff First Clap film contest, India’s first theatrically showcased talent hunt for aspiring filmmakers, challenging them to tell a compelling story in three minutes on any subject of their interest. Three winners from these five will be announced at an awards presentation at Sathyam Cinemas on May 22. Prizes include cash rewards as well as a coveted internship opportunity with Suriya’s production company 2D Entertainment.
“FirstClap was conceived to identify new talent who have it in them to attract audiences to the cinema halls and benefit our industry. This is just the beginning of many more innovative initiatives keeping the interest of cinema in mind,” says Director Jayendra Panchapakesan, co-founder of Qube Cinema Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Chief guests at the event include Cinematographer and Director PC Sreeram, Director Ezhil, Director Vetrimaran, Cinematographer Magesh Muthuswamy, Director Arun Kumar S.U., CEO of 2D Entertainment Rajsekar Karpoorasundarapandian, Film Critic Sreedhar Pillai, Film Editor KL Praveen, Audiographer Udayakumar, Director Hari Viswanath, Chennai International Short Film Festival Director Srinivasa Santhanam and Film Critic, Trade Analyst, CEO of Common Man Media Sathish Kumar. They were also part of the jury that judged the final round of entries in the contest.
“I am extremely happy for the finalists that they got to realise their dream of watching live audience reactions to their content at the theatres…invaluable feedback for them for their future efforts in filmmaking. This whole endeavour would not have been possible without the active support and encouragement of the esteemed theatre owners of Qube Cinema Network. All the finalists, who visited various theatres across Tamil Nadu, were thrilled and extremely thankful for this encouragement from the theatre community. The next phase of internship with 2D Entertainment will no doubt be a period of intense learning that will hone their thinking and skills. With the success of this initiative, the next edition of First Clap will be an all-India initiative by Moviebuff and we hope to enhance the scope of assistance that Moviebuff will offer to budding filmmakers in the days to come.” says Arvind Ranganathan, CEO of Qube Cinema Technologies. Pvt. Ltd.
Beginning December 16, 2016, more than 250 entries were received for Moviebuff’s First Clap contest. Of these, 17 were shortlisted by judges from Moviebuff and Littleshows. The final five films were selected from public voting via screenings at local theatres supporting the contest as well as scores awarded by the panel of judges associated with the Tamil film industry. Finally, the top three were selected by public voting from cinemas, with audiences participating by choosing the next filmmaker via a unique SMS code. A total of 170 screens showed the movies, accounting for around 23,800 shows (170 screens x 5 weeks x 28 shows) across Tamil Nadu from 10th March 2017 to 13th April 2017.