Padma Seshadri Bala Bhavan Sr Sec Schools, Chennai conduct a thematic educational project every year in turns at their different branches. This year, the T. Nagar branch students of KG to class III presented the project on Gudiya Pradarshini – Display of dolls while the children of class IV to VIII presented on Swachh Bharath – Pristin(e)dia. The project is from 2nd Feb to 4th Feb, 2017. Mr. Junichi FUKAO, Researcher / Adviser, Cultural Affairs & information, Consulate – General of Japan, Chennai inaugurated the project on 2nd Feb at the school. Mrs. Kakarla Usha, IAS, Managing Director, TNUIFSL ( Tamilnadu Urban Infrastructure Financial Services Ltd) will preside over the valedictory function on 4th Feb, 2017.
With the blessings of the Dean and Director Dr (Mrs) Y. G. Parthasarathy the students of KG presented a Bomma Kolu – traditional display of dolls from different parts of India. The students of primary displayed dolls of different countries like Japan, Egypt, Germany etc., The sound and light show on “The Good, Bad and Ugly”, while showcasing dolls in varied fields, also left viewers with Gandhi ji’s message of religious tolerance.
Students of classes 4 to 8 displayed charts & models on Swachh Bharath interlinking all subjects with the theme. Personal Cleanliness, environmental cleanliness, sustainable communities, ethics in sports, IT initiatives to implement “swachhata” and 5S – the Japanese method of systematic approach to the work place.
Students also presented the theme through a cultural programme involving dance, drama, skit , song , debate and puppet show.“Students learn a lot while researching for the project. The interdisciplinary approach, linking all subjects including sports , IT and fine arts to the core theme helps them appreciate the integration between different subjects and develop life skills” says Mrs. Durga Chandrasekar, Vice Principal, PSBB T.Nagar